Wednesday, December 30, 2009

how about now?

The worst thing -- well, not the worst, but probably the most annoying -- about losing something important (say, hypothetically, an annual transit card with five months remaining in the annum) is that my Golden Retriever brain will not stop looking for it in any place I have ever seen it.

Is it in my coat pocket? No? How about now?

I had it on a bus yesterday! Say, maybe it's wedged into the seat of this completely different bus on a completely different route. No? Shucks.

I usually keep it in the outside pocket of my bag. Is it there? No? It wasn't there the last four times I checked, but maybe I just overlooked it -- I should check again! Maybe it's behind that pen? No? Well, maybe it will show up this time I rummage through the 4x5x2 pocket...

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