I got you, Adelaide Metro!
I made it into the city by myself, and am I ever chuffed about it! The driver was a bit surly when I handed him a $20 bill, but he sighed and fished a wad of bills out of his pocket (!) to make change. I took the O-Bahn. I got off at the wrong stop (Adelaide Metro's trip planner is worse than useless). I made it to the Gardens on time.
To all of the relatives I've forced onto transit in the past few years: I'm so, so sorry. I forget how totally non-intuitive and scary buses are in an unfamiliar city. You all survived, but: yeah. This is confusing stuff.
I trust SPF45 is on your list of essentials. ;)
Sunblock, I got. Reapplication... I'm a little fuzzier. I got a very mild burn yesterday afternoon, and I'm hoping that'll learn me.
That's a terrible picture of my giant nose but -- gawd! -- look at that sky!
The sky is pretty astounding, particularly coming from gloomy ol' Seattle. Yana posted some pictures that provoked the same reaction. Today we have... overcast. Yesterday? Heavy overcast.
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