Saturday, August 22, 2009

hello goodbye

I feel like I've finally gotten my sea legs, and the Fringe ends tomorrow. I found the Farmers Market (not that it was hard to find), the grocery store, the library, and the best internet cafes*. We made an outing to the Edmonton Mall and a random dance club, and I even picked up a schedule for the local Bikram studio (...but 8 a.m. yoga is like 4 a.m. in Fringe Time)

We've been flyering our little butts off, and (*fingers crossed*) should make our audience goal for the final show. Nobody likes handing out fliers, but I have to say that it's much easier while wearing a giant buttercup costume. (The Reindeer helmet + sporty shades works well, too.)

Postcards! I finally got 'em mailed! Love to y'all, and I'm looking forward to being home soon. xoxo.

*Canadians serve up some pretty decent espresso, but they make iced coffee by pouring hot brewed coffee over ice cubes. So wrong.

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