Wednesday, March 4, 2009

is this for real?

I just got this audition announcement for an "alternative beverage" via a generally non-corporate-stooge listserv.

What's it going for here? Obama's coattails? Trust fund activists? Chinese dissident poverty chic? Is it a parody? I can't tell.

Project Concept: Looking for performers that can show the juxtaposition of self-importance to sacrifice, self indulgence to poverty, and societal disconnect from the world. The concept will show that the key to cutting through the fog of greed and corporate lust that have orphaned the world’s invisible, is to opening people up to the alternative beverage Tibet@n Tea and the freedom that change unleashes.


Basil said...

"Juxtaposition" is not a playable action.

Christopher said...

Well, despite being cryptically contrarian, it does seem to be legit. Tibetan Tea brand is being produced and sold by Belvi Coffee & Tea, Inc. out of Bellevue, which, based on it's web site at least, seems to be a sincerely progressive company.

But yeah, the language they're using in the character breakdown is a little weird...