Sunday, January 4, 2009

rabbit rabbit pony

Did the deed! Proof:

Damn, that's a lot of hair, yo.


Christopher said...

That's a pretty impressive chunk o' hair; looks like maybe even enough to donate.

Somewhere in the bowels of a make-up/tackle box I have about six inches of pony-tail I hacked off many years ago, back when I still had enough hair on the top of my head to warrant having some length in the back. I actually used some of it once to make a mustache, so regardless of whether you were able to donate it, it could still come in handy.

Not that you NEED a mustache, of course. But on the other hand, you HAVE worn them before.

luler on the fly said...

photo of new short hair, please!

Don't Worry Be Hambly said...

Wow! Mol, are you able to send it to locks of love? I too want new pics of the new dooooooo!