- Head-to-Toe baby wash is an excellent makeup remover, particularly for waterproof mascara! Yay, babies!
- Note to self: yes, you're biking way more than usual, but you still don't get to eat candy all freaking night. Stop with the M&Ms already. Really.
- If you're going to be dancing in high-heeled tap shoes (two sizes too large), it really helps if you practice the routine in said high-heeled tap shoes (two sizes too large). Yeah, it's a little different than dancing in sneakers, isn't it?
- Tasks and assignments are great ways to tackle confusing spots in the text, but you actually have to, uh, do the tasks and assignments. Derr.
- Stretch your hamstrings after exertion, doofus, or you are going be a crippled old lady much sooner than you anticipate.
- No matter how it seems, we're all in this together. Really.
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