Tuesday, April 21, 2009

yikes! April?

I'm swamped at work.


My office window faces west, and some afternoons I want to shove the poor plants onto the floor and take a nap on the sill.

My bangs are growing.

I read a lot. I finished Pride & Prejudice and Sense & Sensibility. Savage Inequalites got a little heavy so I picked up Emma; she's kind of a pain in the ass but I have to stick it out until she gets her comeuppance.

I just got the big green book and I read it more than I cook from it.

I got bonked on the head by a falling worklight last night but my pupils are still MER (thanks John Galt).

There are some blog posts buried in the draft folder and I swear I'll totally finish them like any day now.

Uh, that's about it.

Thanks for checking in.
